Everyday sourdough sandwich loaf

Everyday sourdough sandwich loaf


  • 100-130 grams well-fed sourdough starter
  • 325-350 grams water
  • 500 grams of flour (can you various ratios of bread flour to whole wheat to etc)
  • 15-20 grams oil (can use neutral oil (Avocado, vegetable) or could use olive oil)
  • 15-20 grams of honey
  • 10 grams fine sea salt

I’ve been making a weekly loaf for the past year or so. With this recipe, you definitely have some leeway on adjusting the types of flours along with some of the enrichments (oil and honey). It is also a fairly forgiving recipe I feel (or maybe I just do it regularly enough that I’ve grown accustomed to it). The above recipe makes 1 loaf (in a 8.5 inch x 4.5 inch loaf pan). This is also a no-knead recipe. The loaf can be made ahead of time and then stored to continue to ferment and develop in the fridge for 24-48 hours. Typically I will bake it ~24-36 hours after forming the loaf.

  1. Combine the water, well-fed starter, 500 grams of flour (my current combination is 350 grams bread flour, 50 grams of semolina flour and 100 grams of whole wheat flour), oil and honey in a mixing bowl. I use a spatula and stir and make sure everything is well incorporated together (about 2-4 minutes of mixing usually).
  2. Let sit (auto-lyse) for anywhere from 30-90 minutes covered.
  3. Slowly incorporate the salt – I usually add a little bit at a time and using a wet hand knead the salt until well incorporated.
  4. Cover and let rest 45-60 minutes
  5. Perform a stretch and fold (using a moist hand, grab dough at 12 o’clock position and pull upwards toward ceiling. Without allowing the dough to rip, pull it down towards 6 o’clock. Turn bowl 1/4 counter-clockwise and repeat above and continue until back to original position. Can continue to do this to tighten dough (another full rotation). Optional would to flip dough over at end (should have smooth ball). Cover
  6. Wait another 45-60 minutes (dependent on room temp)
  7. Repeat stretch and fold an additional 3 times (total of 4). Sometimes the dough will look mature and ready after 3 stretch and folds and that is fine as well.
  8. Dump dough out on well floured surface. Using bench scraper, gather the dough (bringing each corner to center) and then flip dough to have a nice ball. Cover with tea towel and let sit for 20 minutes.
  9. Stretch and flatten dough out into a large rectangle. Bring the left side of the dough and fold to the center line along the vertical axis. Then fold from the right edge to the center overlapping – envelope fold. Then grasp dough closest to you and roll it away from you creating a cylinder. Tuck the ends of the dough underneath to create a smooth surface for each end.
  10. Using a bench scrapper lift the dough into a well oiled loaf pan (in my case a 8.5 inch x 4.5 inch loaf pan)
  11. Place this in a bag (can also add some oil to top of dough and cover with saran wrap) and let rise for ~1.5 hours (depending on temperature in kitchen).
  12. Place in refrigerator (~12-48 hours).
  13. Turn oven on to 400 F. Place pan with water in lower rack of oven
  14. Remove dough from fridge. Sprinkle flour on top of bread and smooth. Using sharp knife, score the bread.
  15. Bake for 20 minutes at 400F
  16. Remove the water container (be careful not to splash hot water onto glass of oven door as it may crack – I use a tea towel to cover the glass while removing the water container).
  17. Bake additional 30-35 minutes until golden brown (bread temp ~200 F). I usually just bake an additional 33 or 34 minutes as it seems to work for my oven.
  18. Turn bread out on cooling rack and let cool fully before slicing.

Visual instructions:



I’ve done lasagna a handful of times now and everytime I do things a little bit differently. I’ve tried it with my homemade dough, traditional dried pasta as well as the oven ready (no boil) noodles. Overall I think I still like the traditional pasta that you boil first. This time I decided to jazz up the recipe a bit with some sauteed mushrooms along with italian sausage and I have enjoyed this one the best.

Ingredients for sauce

  • 28 ounce Cento San Marzano peeled tomatoes
  • Tomato Paste
  • Dried oregano / Dried Basil
  • Rind of Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese
  • Bay leaf
  • Salt
  • Garlic
  • Olive oil

Directions for sauce

  1. Sauté dieced garlic in the olive oil in a pot
  2. Add in the tomatoes (crush whole tomatoes with hands), tomato paste, oregano, basil, rind of parmigiano, bay leaf, salt.
  3. Simmer for at least 30 minutes and up to a few hours.

Ingredients for lasagna

  • Sauce from above
  • 1 box of traditional dried lasagna noodles
  • Whole milk mozzarella cheese
  • Ricotta cheese
  • Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese (put in a food processor to make into crumbles for spreading – easier than trying to grate or slice).
  • Cremini mushrooms
  • Mild italian sausage (can also use ground beef, pork, chicken, etc)

Directions for lasagna

  1. Sauté slice mushrooms until soft and tender, add salt for flavoring
  2. Cook sausage (remove from casing and crumble) in some olive oil
  3. Cook pasta (follow directions) and then lay out on a oiled cookie pan to prevent from sticking to one another
  4. Add a layer of sauce to bottom of casserole dish to help prevent sticking
  5. Add layer of pasta
  6. Can create layers as desired – I did mushrooms with sauce and cheese (mozz/parmigiano/ricotta as dollops), then another layer of noodle, then a layer with sausage and sauce/cheese.
  7. Repeat a few more times (depends on amount of pasta and sauce you have)
  8. Top layer: Add sauce and then cheese layer
  9. Cover with aluminum foil and bake at 375 F for 30-40 minutes, then uncover and bake additional 15 minutes.
  10. Let sit for 10 minutes before cutting and eating.



It’s been awhile. That’s kind of the theme for this place, not that anyone is really paying attention. In the end I like having this as a record of my baking/cooking and traveling adventures and to look back on for recipes that have worked (don’t usually publish things that don’t work because why keep that). The other night I decided to try my hand at some brownies. Aside from cookies and banana bread, I don’t do much in the way of sweets baking. D isn’t a huge cake person so haven’t really had a desire to do that. I am not opposed to pies though just haven’t got around to attempting anything. So brownies it was. I looked up a few different recipes and of course looked to Ina Garten since she has some good recipes (especially booze ones). I then kind of modified it to my own. D wanted to incorporate some peanut butter into it. I was initially going to do a PB swirl type thing but then elected to just use the peanut butter chips I had.


  • 1/2 cup (1 stick) of unsalted butter
  • 3.5 ounce dark chocolate (had a bar of some random Russian chocolate)
  • 1 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips
  • 1/2 cup peanut butter chips
  • 1 1/4 cups sugar
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 2 tsp vanilla
  • 3 eggs
  • ~1 Tbsp cocoa powder
  • 1 1/4 AP flour
  • 1 packet (~ 1 Tbsp?) of instant coffee


  1. Using a bain marie (I did a makeshift one with a small pot with simmering water and a metal bowl on top), I melted the chocolate and the dark chocolate bar.
  2. I then mixed in the cocoa powder (probably could have added more as the final product didn’t come out as chocolatey as I was hoping).
  3. In a separate bowl, mix together the sugar, vanilla, eggs and instant coffee
  4. In 3rd bowl, mix the flour, salt, baking powder
  5. After letting the chocolate mixture cool some, mix into the sugar/vanilla/egg mixture.
  6. Coat some peanut butter and chocolate chips in flour
  7. Fold in the flour mixture to the wet mixture from step #5. Then add in the chips.
  8. Poured the final mixture onto parchment paper in a 8 by 8 pyrex pan
  9. Baked at 350 F for about 30-35 minutes (until a toothpick came out clean)
  10. Let sit on rack for 30 minutes and wait until cooled to cut.
Prior to baking
After baking

Overall it came out pretty good. A bit more cake like than fudge like. As stated above, could use more cocoa powder. Overall a pretty simple recipe.


New pizza dough recipe

So I decided to try a new pizza dough recipe.  This was made mostly out of necessity since I hadn’t made the dough the night ahead.  I have been using the overnight slow no-knead method for years and it produces a night sour-like dough that D likes.  I also haven’t used my new stand mixer for pizza dough and figured this would be a good time to try it out.  I tweaked the original recipe a little.  I had seen this recipe on one of my FB groups and it looked good – it’s a Martha Stewart recipe (https://www.marthastewart.com/332275/basic-pizza-dough).


  • 2 tsp active dry yeast
  • 2 Tbsp sugar
  • (eyeballed) 1/4 cup olive oil
  • 2 tsp salt
  • 4 cups AP flour
  • 1.5 cups of warm water
  1.  In the bowl I added the warm water with the sugar and yeast and let it bloom for about 5 minutes.
  2. To the bowl I then added the AP flour, salt and olive oil.
  3. Using my stand mixer, I mixed the dough for ~10 minutes (on the low or #2 setting)
  4. This produced a cohesive smooth dough that I placed in an oiled bowl and let rise until doubled (~1.5-2 hours) – this was a very active dough that more than doubled
  5. I punched the dough down and then divided it into 4 equal pieces and formed 2 into balls for the pizza (I saved the other half to make bread another day).
  6. After about 2-3 hours I formed the pizza into a large disc for baking.


What I liked about this recipe is that it provided for a dough with good strength to it when working it.  The one I had been making was a little more delicate and harder to stretch into a nice round shape like the above.  Overall I thought it was a little light on salt and didn’t create the same depth of flavor as the overnight dough but it works if you have less time.


Sourdough (with wheat) bread #2

Sourdough (with wheat) bread #2

These won’t be full posts on making the bread but just documenting how they came out.  This time I did try to do normal kneading method.  I don’t know again if my starter was up to snuff – though I did get good air holes in the final result.  Also I’m running low on bread flour so used some AP flour as well as some wheat flour.


  • 300 g AP flour
  • 100 g bread flour
  • 100 g whole wheat flour
  • 360 g warm water
  • 200 g starter
  • 12 g salt

I did do an autolyse of the flour and water for about 45 minutes.  I then added in the starter and salt.  I proceeded to knead (Richard bertinet slap and fold method) for about 15 minutes.  It came together some but was still fairly sticky.  I use my oven proof setting for an hour and fifteen minutes.  I then laid on a flour surface and formed it into a boule.  This I placed in a bowl that had a well-floured kitchen towel.  I ended up putting it in the fridge after about 30 minutes because I had to run an errand.  I returned, removed from fridge and let it proof another hour or so.  I preheated the dutch oven at 500F and then baked for 15 minutes covered and an additional 20 minutes uncovered.

IMG_20200531_152910 Continue reading “Sourdough (with wheat) bread #2”